Monday, February 9, 2009


We took the girls to the circus for the first time yesterday and they had a lot of fun! My dad (aka Papa), Tanya, George, Georgie, Melanie, Ben, Caroline & Noah were all there too. Before the circus began, we took the kids down to the main floor to see everything up close, but they did not like this. A clown tried to greet us and the girls began crying immediately. So we decided to find our seats and buy the kids (young & old) some circus treats.

Would you believe that ONE bag of cotton candy cost $12?! But it did come with a felt, yellow hat as seen in the pictures below. The girls favorite treat was their HUGE lollipop - Hannah liked hers so much that she fell asleep with it in her mouth (see lips and shirt below)...

Grace seemed to enjoy every bit of the circus; she was clapping, dancing and laughing the entire time. Hannah had a good time too, once she woke up. I think their favorite thing was seeing all of the elephants, horses, dogs, and tigers.

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